[mpeg-OTspec] Suggested changes

Levantovsky, Vladimir vladimir.levantovsky at monotypeimaging.com
Mon Feb 11 23:32:55 CET 2008

Thank you very much for your feedback! I will review and incorporate the
suggested changes in the next revision of the CD of ISO/IEC 14496-22
(2nd edition).
Best regards,


	From: mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com
[mailto:mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michelle Hill
	Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 4:11 PM
	To: mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com
	Subject: [mpeg-OTspec] Suggested changes


	Based on feedback from the "OpenType migration" list
(opentype-migration-list at indx.co.uk
<mailto:opentype-migration-list at indx.co.uk> ) some changes have been
suggested for the ISO document. A draft of the OpenType specification
incorporating the proposed changes has been published on the web and can
be accessed at http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec150/default.htm

	Vladimir posted a link to this same draft in his post on January


	Here is a list of proposed changes since January 30th:


	*         Update language in os2.htm so it refers to the most
current version of the Unicode standard, instead of a specific version 


	*         Clarify language on specifying Unicode Variation
Sequences in cmap.htm 


	*         Fix broken links in featuretags.htm


	*         Remove old references to code pages in the 'name'


	*         Remove quotes from 'fsSelection' in name.htm


	*         Change "Old Perisan Cuneiform"  to "Old Persian
Cuneiform" in scriptags.htm




	Michelle Hill





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