Draft - Summary and description of the CF

Levantovsky, Vladimir vladimir.levantovsky at monotypeimaging.com
Tue Oct 27 21:22:24 CET 2009

Dear all,

During the Monday opening plenary Leonardo asked me to prepare a document that would provide summary and description of the current state of Composite Font format activity. Based on the content of discussions we had on the AHG email reflector I prepared a document that I would like to ask you to review and provide your comments. I believe this document will also provide the answer to the questions Daniel asked me regarding different use cases for Composite Fonts.
I apologize for the short notice but this document will be finalized on Friday, Oct. 30. Since the meeting takes place in China (and we are one day ahead) I will need to have your comments (if any) by the end of the day Thursday at the latest.

Thank you very much,

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