OS/2.fsSelection style bits typo

Sairus Patel sppatel at adobe.com
Tue Apr 6 21:19:40 CEST 2010

http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/os2.htm#fss says (as does section in OFF ISO/IEC 14496-22:2009(E)):

> As noted above, the settings of bits 0 and 1 must be reflected in the macStyle bits in the 'head' table.

This is a typo. It should say "bits 0 and 5" instead of "bits 0 and 1". The numbers refer to bits in OS/2.fsSelection, not in head.macStyle.

Also, I was a bit puzzled by the "As noted above" wording; I was looking at the introductory sentences of that section for the words it might refer to. It must refer to the fact that the table has a macStyle bit column which correlates the macStyle bits to the fsSelection bits. It may be more clear to replace "As noted above" with "As indicated in the table above."

There's a lot more work that could be done to clarify these bits, but the typo above, at least, should be fixed.


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