[OpenType] Windows 8.1 color fonts

Sairus Patel sppatel at adobe.com
Fri Jun 28 06:03:31 CEST 2013

It would be premature to compare the various approaches given we don't
have all proposals for review yet. So for now let me point out that the
SVG-in-OT approach has the following features:

- Spot color, gradients, and other aspects of a rich graphics model
- Animation
- Pre-existing W3C/HTML5 standard for the above model (SVG)
- Dynamic (i.e. Render-time) "Color by numbers" feature
- Collaborative, open process. Participation/feedback from the OT/OFF
community welcomed during all parts of its development

The approach has been: If we're going to do something this new in OF/OTT,
let's do with a rich, already existing graphics model so that
implementations don't have to roll their own.

An updated proposal that reconciles Mozilla's and Adobe's approach, and
includes other feedback received, will be sent out for review in the
upcoming weeks.


-----Original Message-----
From: William_J_G  Overington <wjgo_10009 at btinternet.com>
Reply-To: "opentype-migration-list at indx.co.uk"
<opentype-migration-list at indx.co.uk>
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:03 AM
To: "listmaster at indx.co.uk" <listmaster at indx.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [OpenType] Windows 8.1 color fonts

>Message from OpenType list:
>Michelle Perham <mihill at microsoft.com> wrote:
>> The color references are handled has palette indices, with a separate
>table, 'CPAL' in OpenType that resolves the RGBA colors actually used
>for the glyph..
>Colour fonts would also be useful for printing applications.
>Could a way be found so as to build into the CPAL table that the desired
>colour is a metallic ink please?
>For example, so that a font specifying gold letters and green holly
>leaves and red holly berries could be produced.
>William Overington
>27 June 2013
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