Soliciting comments on draft OFF amendment

Levantovsky, Vladimir vladimir.levantovsky at
Mon Jul 20 18:23:43 CEST 2015

Dear all,

Based on the proposal we submitted at the last WG11 meeting ( the new amendment was started and its proposed draft text is now published under ballot (essentially including the content of AHG proposal attached to my earlier email as a whole).

The ballot comments are due by early September (so that there is enough time to process and submit them through the official channels in time for ballot closing in October 2015) - this is our biggest chance to introduce any additional changes to the recently finalized 3rd edition of the standard. In order to facilitate the discussion of the proposed changes (if any) and speed up the process of getting to a consensus point within the AHG discussions - I would like to ask you to send your proposed changes to this email list in the following format:

-          Brief description of the proposed change(s);

-          Quote of the "current language" of the specification;

-          Proposed "new language" to be included (either adding or replacing the "current language")

-          Reasons for the change (use cases to be addressed / new features added / problems fixed, etc.)

Thank you,

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