[mpeg-OTspec] Final draft - AHG input contribution - REVIEW NEEDED (was: Clarification of some aspect of opentype SVG spec)

John Hudson john at tiro.ca
Wed Feb 17 19:55:20 CET 2016

On 17/02/16 09:18, Levantovsky, Vladimir wrote:

> Can you please clarify - do you propose to make this change in the description of the 'fina' only, or should similar changes be made in 'init', 'medi' and 'isol' feature descriptions?

All four. I just used 'fina' as an example.

I've thought for a long time that all the OTL feature descriptions 
should be reviewed for clarity and consistency, and also favour 
illustrating them. The standard information structure isn't necessarily 
useful as is, and key bits of information are either missing or buried 
in the descriptions. It's a big job though.



John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks Ltd    www.tiro.com
Salish Sea, BC        tiro at tiro.com

Getting Spiekermann to not like Helvetica is like training
a cat to stay out of water. But I'm impressed that people
know who to ask when they want to ask someone to not like
Helvetica. That's progress. -- David Berlow

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