OT 1.8.3 errata

Peter Constable petercon at microsoft.com
Mon Aug 27 02:49:04 CEST 2018

I've posted some errata for OT 1.8.3:

  *   I discovered that the port of the TrueType instruction content from Word docs had some issues: some of the changes made in OT 1.8.1 were not retained, and some other text in a table for the GETINFO instruction was hidden (because || looks like table cell delimiters in Markdown).
  *   While fixing the above, I noticed that a correction in the section on the GET VARIATIONS instruction (NPUSHB -> NPUSHW) was incomplete (there were two instances, but only one was corrected).
  *   Also, while fixing the above, I discovered a correction had been made in OT 1.5 for INSTCTRL in ttinst1.doc that was not captured in the change log. (Capturing this will help if archived versions 1.5 - 1.8 are ever ported to the new site.)
  *   Unrelated to the above... an issue was reported in the 'glyf' table chapter.

Errata page: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/errata

Also, not an erratum: OT 1.4 has been ported and added to the Archived versions (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/opentypeversions).


Peter Constable, Senior Program Manager
Microsoft | Operating Systems Group

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