[MPEG-OTSPEC] [EXTERNAL] Re: AHG Font Format Kick-off: 5th ed. Working Draft and future milestones

Dave Crossland dcrossland at google.com
Sat Apr 15 02:51:01 CEST 2023

On Fri, Apr 14, 2023, 5:32 PM Peter Constable <pconstable at microsoft.com>

> I definitely think more discussion is needed on how to handle future
> enhancements the data formats for glyph descriptions before we go making
> these kinds of spot changes.

I look forward to hearing counter proposals for how to future proof and
increase clarity of these labels :)

If there are actual problems with changing the label strings, leaving them
alone and explaining what they "really mean" in the spec text seems to me a
second best option.

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