[MPEG-OTSPEC] Proposed addition of tiny topics to the agenda

MURATA eb2mmrt at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 07:49:20 CEST 2023


I would like to request the addition of four
tiny topics to the agenda.  I reckon throwing
in these topics would give our meeting
that legit ISO conference vibe.

1) Declaration for participants in ISO activities

2) ISO Code of Ethics and Conduct

3) Guideline for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for

4) Adoption of the agenda

I am *not* requesting extensive discussions.
I am happy if they will be briefly mentioned
at the beginning of the meeting and appear
in the final minutes.

Vladimir mentioned 1) and 2) before the
previous teleconference, and I mentioned 3)
in reply to his mail.  In my understanding of
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Standing Document N19, the
draft agenda has to be approved at the
beginning of a meeting.  So, 4).

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