[MPEG-OTSPEC] Scheduling Zoom meeting to discuss new proposals and AHG recommendations

Skef Iterum skef at skef.org
Thu Jul 13 01:38:36 CEST 2023

Responding as Josh is currently on PTO and I'm privy to some internal 
discussion on this.

On 7/12/23 14:48, Dave Crossland wrote:
> Hi Josh
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 1:01 PM Dave Crossland <dcrossland at google.com> 
> wrote:
>     Any chance you or anyone from Adobe will be attending the TypeCon
>     event in August
> It looks like Rod and I have travel approved by our VP to meet in 
> Portland in August.
> I reached out to Neil Summerour at SoTA but haven't heard back, but 
> since Typecon isn't in a hotel venue this year, I am guessing they may 
> not be able to offering a large meeting room space anyway.

I lived pretty close to this area until about 2 years ago. Another 
option, assuming some source of funding, would be an appropriate part of 
the Jupiter Hotel, which is one of the primary hotels for the event 
(assuming there is still availability, of course).


> Will Adobe be able to host a meeting? I see from a quick 
> websearch there is an Adobe office in Portland (1500 SW First Ave) :)

Christopher and I chatted about this and (at least according to reported 
employee counts) the Adobe Portland office is if anything more modest 
than the Google office. In any case the largest room seats 14 in a pinch.

> There's also a modest Google office (555 SW Morrison St Ste 500 Floors 
> 4 & 5), and Rod and I can easily host a max of 20 people (22 including 
> us) and after that I'll need to do more organization.
> In case we want to use the Google office option, I made a form to 
> collect information; we'll need to pre-register everyone who will 
> attend in a guest kiosk system. That needs names and emails that match 
> photo ID, and to show the photo ID to a receptionist.
> https://forms.gle/dS9vr2SC2Y5QoqGL8
>         We would also like to remind folks that the format has already
>         adopted CFF2 which uses cubics and can already address >
>         16-bit glyph indices.
>     Sadly since I see color variable fonts as the future, I am not
>     sure where CFF2 and SVG-in-OT will go. Would there be a CFF3 that
>     supports color and the things under discussion here, or, would
>     cubic-in-glyf plus support for PS hinting be effectively CFF3?
> How does GPOS/GSUB work for CFF2 fonts' 70,000th glyph?

I believe in the same way it would work for glyf/loca, i.e. any shaping 
issues above 64K are beyond the scope of the table. So it is prepared 
for the future without being entirely responsible for it.

It's a shame, though, that COLR v1 apparently didn't take CFF2 into 
account by allowing larger glyphIDs and exceeding the maxp count. 
Because basically all shaping is tied to the base glyph ID, that would 
have allowed exceeding 64K "shapes" for compositing in COLR. (Or come 
very close to it -- a few other tables might need related revisions.)


> Cheers
> Dave
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