[MPEG-OTSPEC] AHG kick-off - we have important work to do!

Vladimir Levantovsky vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 20:28:31 CEST 2023

Thank you, Murata-san, for your interest and additional information.

Contributions from the CITPC would be very welcome and appreciated, and I am looking forward to it!


Best regards,




From: MURATA [mailto:eb2mmrt at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 9:17 PM
To: Vladimir Levantovsky <vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com>
Cc: MPEG OT Spec list <mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at>
Subject: Re: [MPEG-OTSPEC] AHG kick-off - we have important work to do!


Japanese Character Information Technology 

Promotion Council (CITPC for short) has many 

Japanese (and Taiwanese) font vendors as 

well as some IT companies.  it is going to 

become a member of the Japanese mirror
for SC29 soon.

Incidentally, the Japanese Digital Agency (a part 

of the JP government) is considering a glyph 

set called MJ+, which is expected to have 

70 thousand glyphs.

CITPC is interested in “Technologies under 

consideration for ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition 

Open Font Format”.  It has had its first meeting
already and will have another by the end of 

this month or early July.  CITPC hopes to 

make some contributions directly here and will 

participate in the official balloting process of SC29.





2023年6月14日(水) 4:43 Vladimir Levantovsky <vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com <mailto:vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com> >:

Dear AHG members,


I would like to use this opportunity to remind you that we have two very important mandates to work on (to review the updated WD text of 5th edition OFF and to review the “Technologies under consideration” document, see links below in my previous email) before the next WG3 (MPEG Systems) meeting that will take place on July 17-21 in Geneva.


One of the mandates, the mandate #2 specifically asks to review the proposed changes summarized in the “Technologies under consideration” document WG03N0888 and provide  our recommendations to the WG3 on the ways forward. The document summarizes a number of proposed changes that aren’t strictly linked to one another – each of the proposals can be reviewed and dealt with separately, and I believe (my personal opinion, FWIW) that some of the changes would offer noticeable benefits _and_ can be implemented with minimal efforts. There are some ongoing discussions happening on GitHub (where the original proposal has originated, see https://github.com/harfbuzz/boring-expansion-spec/issues), and want to make sure that the members of this AHG have an opportunity to follow the discussions and stay involved. However, we do need to discuss the proposed changes as part of the AHG work to agree on the way forward and on our future recommendations for WG3.


I would like to ask all interested parties to review the proposed changes summarized in “Technologies under consideration” document, and to state your position for each of the proposals. Every input and every opinion is important – statements of support, counter-proposals, discussion of possible implementation challenges and/or concerns, backward compatibility issues that any of the proposed changes might introduce would be a fair topic for discussion… but it needs to happen soon! Our input contribution registration deadline is end of day July 10 (Central EU time), and all registered documents would have to be uploaded by end of day July 12. Remember, silence is approval, so it you see anything that may be a cause for concern – say something!


Thank you,




From: Vladimir Levantovsky [mailto:vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com <mailto:vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com> ] 
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 11:01 AM
To: 'MPEG OT Spec list' <mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at <mailto:mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at> >
Subject: AHG kick-off - we have important work to do!


Dear AHG participants,


This is not a _typical_ AHG kick-off announcement – I am excited to emphasize that we have new mandates, new project plan, and very important work to do!


As far as mandates are concerned (approved at the last WG3 meeting, N0832), this AHG is now tasked with the following:

1. Review the text of the updated Working Draft of ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition (WG03N0847).

2. Review the content of “Technologies under consideration for ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition Open Font Format” document (WG03N0888) and provide recommendations for the WG3 on if / how these changes can be integrated in the “Open Font Format” standard.

3. Explore potential future changes and updates, and propose new items (if applicable) for consideration in the 5th edition of the OFF specification.


We also have the updated project plan for 5th edition of ISO/IEC 14496-22 “Open Font Format”. According to this plan, the transition of the final Working Draft text to Committee Draft is scheduled to happen by end of April 2024. (We can do it sooner if the document is ready for promotion, but there is a new deadline!) Once the 5th edition draft is promoted to Committee Draft stage, it will become subject to established ISO balloting process.


Both output documents – the updated Working Draft including all recent [tracked] changes (N0847, https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/142_Antalya/w22589.zip) and “Technologies under consideration …” that summarizes recently proposed improvements and new functionality for OFF (N0888, https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/142_Antalya/w22631.zip) are now available for download and public review. I would like to encourage you to study the documents and bring your comments, suggestions and concerns for discussion of this AHG.


Thank you very much for your active participation and future contributions to this important work!



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村田 真

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