[MPEG-OTSPEC] Scheduling Zoom meeting to discuss new proposals and AHG recommendations

Skef Iterum skef at skef.org
Fri Jun 30 23:47:23 CEST 2023

Just to clarify on this point, COLR v0 and v1 pull in glyph path data by 
GID, and both are thereby compatible with CFF or CFF2. I believe this is 
not just theoretical, and that existing implementations will render COLR 
v1 CFF2 fonts accurately (setting aside lingering CFF2 bugs on this or 
that platform that are being worked through).


On 6/30/23 12:01, Dave Crossland wrote:
>     We would also like to remind folks that the format has already
>     adopted CFF2 which uses cubics and can already address > 16-bit
>     glyph indices.
> Sadly since I see color variable fonts as the future, I am not sure 
> where CFF2 and SVG-in-OT will go. Would there be a CFF3 that supports 
> color and the things under discussion here, or, would 
> cubic-in-glyf plus support for PS hinting be effectively CFF3?
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