[MPEG-OTSPEC] AHG kick-off and AHG meeting announcement

Dominik Röttsches drott at google.com
Wed Nov 15 16:04:40 CET 2023

>  please respond to this email to indicate your availability and specific
> date preferences for the call.

FWIW, I prefer the week of Nov 27. - the week after I likely have a work
trip and there's a public holiday and - for many - a long weekend in


On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 12:57 AM Vladimir Levantovsky <
vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Following up on my previous email, I am happy to let you know that the
> text of the updated WD of ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition Open Font Format
> <https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/144_Hannover/w23170.zip> is
> now available for public review.
> While integrating the proposed changes related to newly introduced
> Condition Table Format 2 (see subclause 6.2.9) I realized that the current
> description of the Condition Table is technically incorrect since it is
> referring to non-existent version number of the ConditionSet table (see
> second paragraph). It appears that the corresponding parts of the
> OpenType spec
> <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/chapter2#featurevariations-table>
> have already been modified at some point but these text
> modifications/corrections have not been proposed to the SC29/WG3 yet.
> I also would like to remind you that we need to schedule the AHG Zoom call
> to further discuss the changes necessary to make progress on the "Beyond
> 64K glyphs" proposal summarized in the "Technologies under consideration
> for ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition Open Font Format
> <https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/144_Hannover/w23265.zip>"
> document. Our available options are to schedule the first call either
> during the week of Nov. 27 or the week of Dec. 4 - please respond to this
> email to indicate your availability and specific date preferences for the
> call.
> (I am hopeful that the additional changes we discussed during the last WG
> meeting would already be integrated in the updated version of the proposal
> that we can review and finalize during the call.)
> Thank you,
> Vladimir
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:31 PM Vladimir Levantovsky <
> vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Following the last WG03 meeting, we've got an updated set of mandates -
>> published as WG03N01013 approved at the ISO SC29/WG3 meeting that took
>> place on Oct. 16-20, 2023.
>> Our new mandates for the period until the next WG meeting (scheduled on
>> January 22-26, 2024) are as follows:
>> 1. Review the text of the updated Working Draft of ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th
>> edition (WG03N01017).
>> 2.   Review the content of the “Technologies under consideration”
>> document (WG03N01081), work on developing and finalizing specification
>> changes to accommodate larger character sets and new features, prepare an
>> updated input contribution and provide recommendations for the WG3 on how
>> these changes should be integrated in the “Open Font Format” standard.
>> 3. Explore potential future changes and updates, and propose new items
>> (if applicable) for consideration in the 5th edition of the OFF
>> specification.
>> The updated text of the ISO/IEC 14496-22 Working Draft (WG03N01017) will
>> be made available for public review soon, and I will provide a link to it
>> as soon as it is uploaded. Meanwhile, the "Technologies under
>> consideration for ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition Open Font Format
>> <https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/144_Hannover/w23265.zip>"
>> document [based on the input contribution we discussed at the WG meeting]
>> has already been published, and, according to our mandate #2, we should
>> continue reviewing it to prepare the updated input contribution and provide
>> AHG recommendations for the WG3.
>> ISO rules require that the AHG meeting announcements should be made at
>> least two weeks in advance. Our earliest opportunity to schedule the AHG
>> meeting will be the week of Nov. 27 (immediately following the Thanksgiving
>> holidays in the US), or we can postpone it until next week, Dec. 4-8, 2023.
>> Please let me know what dates work best for you.
>> Following our previously established practice, the AHG meeting date and
>> agenda will be shared on this list, but the meeting Zoon link will not be,
>> due to this list having a public archive. Everybody who has been a
>> participant in the prior AHG meetings will be automatically invited to the
>> future AHG meeting as well - if you have not participated in the AHG
>> meetings in the past and would like to be added to the guest list - please
>> to this email directly and I will gladly accommodate any and all requests.
>> Stay tuned for an additional announcement of updated Working Draft
>> availability - I will share a document link on this list as soon as it's
>> published.
>> Thank you,
>> Vladimir
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