[MPEG-OTSPEC] Text of ISO/IEC 14496-22/CD is now available for review

MURATA eb2mmrt at gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 01:36:55 CEST 2024

To the editors,

I have not read this CD carefully yet, but I am happy to report that
neither "MUST" nor "must" appears in this document.

Unfortunately, "may not" is still used.  I will try to make JP raise a

While editing the OOXML specification (ISO/IEC 29500-1, 2, 3, and 4), ISO
instructed SC34/WG4 not to use normative modal verbs (such as "shall",
"may", and "should") in non-normative descriptions such as examples and
notes.  So, I wrote a program for enumerating all such occurrences.  I will
modify this program and use it for this document.


2024年7月12日(金) 5:10 Vladimir Levantovsky via mpeg-otspec <
mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at>:

> Dear all,
> The text of the Committee Draft of the 5th edition ISO/IEC 14496-22/CD
> "Open Font Format" is now available for download and review:
> https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/146_Rennes/w23797.zip
> Once the ballot is open, any changes you wish to make in the current text
> need to be submitted via your respective National Bodies as comments, using
> the following ISO commenting template
> <https://www.iso.org/resources/publicly-available-resources.html?t=MGTmD5TwK496A_y6JsbrKdnDBmIZ6L0rvjNNXYvKmXhIpfLuCJx5JQWQqL5GcGPw&view=documents#section-isodocuments-top>.
> The CD text is available for download as both "tracked changes" and "clean"
> versions - when submitting comments, please reference the clean version of
> the text for clarity and correct page number references.
> Please note that if the proposed change requires a substantial amount of
> text to be replaced, it is allowed to submit a comment referencing a future
> input contribution document with detailed proposed changes. Any such
> document would have to be registered and uploaded in advance - to reserve
> the document number and provide comments prior to ballot closing date
> (which is yet to be announced).
> Please also note that different National Bodies have their own additional
> processes for comments submission and may impose earlier deadlines than the
> ballot closing date.
> Thank you for your contributions and hard work!
> Vladimir
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村田 真
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