[mpeg-OTspec] Minor corrections suggested

Levantovsky, Vladimir vladimir.levantovsky at monotypeimaging.com
Tue Mar 18 23:03:06 CET 2008

Dear Michelle, all,
I suggest to make another editorial change in the first paragraph of
'maxp' table description.
Since the 'maxp' table is one of the required table (as stated in Font
Tables description, subclause 4.2), and the first part of the paragraph
clearly mandates using maxp table version 0.5 for CFF outlines and maxp
version 1.0 for TTF outlines, the sentence stating that both formats of
the table are required seems to be redundant. It also references
GetFontData () API call which is specific only to a one particular
Hence, I suggest to remove this sentence, where the text of the
paragraph would read:

This table establishes the memory requirements for this font. Fonts with
CFF data must use Version 0.5 of this table, specifying only the
numGlyphs field. Fonts with TrueType outlines must use Version 1.0 of
this table, where all data is required.
NOTE: The number of glyphs that may be included in one font is limited
to 64K (65535) glyphs.

Thank you,

From: mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com [mailto:mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Michelle Hill
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 5:40 PM
To: mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [mpeg-OTspec] Minor corrections suggested


	A few minor edits to the draft of the OpenType 1.5 specification
have been posted. These edits were made based on discussion on the
OpenType Migration reflector. I'd like to suggest these changes also get
made in the ISO version of the specification.



	Added text regarding 64k limit



	Added text regarding 64k limit



	Fixed a typo in simple glyph description (changed byte to bit)



	Fixed a typo regarding the number of tables within the Glyph
Definition table (3 was changed to 4)

	Fixed a spelling error under CaretValue Format 1 (Example was
spelled incorrectly)


	Thank you,







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