Updates to script and language tags

Michelle Perham mihill at microsoft.com
Thu Jan 3 22:01:20 CET 2013

Microsoft would like to propose a number of changes to the script and language tags.

I've uploaded a document to the MPEG Yahoo Group and I'm happy to send it folks that aren't on that list. Please contact me if you'd like to see it.

We're proposing that a number of the language names be updated to names that have become more universally accepted.  Examples: Sinhalese->Sinhala, Gaelic->Scottish Gaelic

In the list of language tags, a list of the corresponding ISO 639-3 IDs is also included. For several languages, we'd like to update the list of ISO IDs.

We'd also like to add additional language tags and 2 new script tags.

Listing these all in email didn't seem practical wouldn't have allowed me to format them neatly in a table. Thanks for taking the time to review the document.

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