Draft AHG report

Levantovsky, Vladimir vladimir.levantovsky at monotype.com
Wed Jun 26 17:54:26 CEST 2013

Hi John,

Thank you for your comments.
All, please review John's recommendation for new language tags - if I do not hear any objections I will incorporate them as AHG-approved proposed changes for the working draft.

Thank you,

From: John Hopkins [mailto:jdhopkins8791 at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 12:25 PM
To: Levantovsky, Vladimir
Cc: hopkinsjd at ldschurch.org; George Simper; rgcummings at ldschurch.org; slicksoftware1 at comcast.net
Subject: Re: Draft AHG report

Hi Vlad,

Comments from George Simper below:

-          'cak' - ISO defines it for "Kaqchikel",  IANA registry has it two ways the language is described/spelled: "Kaqchikel" and "Cakchiquel" (as you proposed). I would go with ISO spelling since it's also the first choice in IANA.
--a j>> Agree
-          ISO 639 has 'fat' tag assigned to "Fanti" - I would go with the ISO spelling;
>>>>> Agree
-          'lua' tag is defined by ISO for "Luba-Lulua" (while 'lub' is defined for Luba-Katanga). OT spec has defined 'LUB' tag for "Luba" - do we really need to split them into two separate entries?
>>>>>  Yes.  Luba-Lulua is a provincial language, recognized in the constitution for DRC. Luba-Katanga is a developing language. Both need to be recognized. OT Spec should reflect lua a language tag for Luba-Lulua. 'lub' language tag should remain with Luba-Katanga. There are enough dialectical differences that different spell checkers/grammar checkers will be required.
-          We already have 'EUQ' tag defined for Basque;
>>>>> Agree
-          ISO has 'cpp' defined for Portuguese-based "Creoles", can you please point to the source for different spelling (Crioulo)?
>>>>> Crioulo is an alternate name/spelling. This version of Portuguese is spoken in the Cape Verdean Islands. The Language is more commonly known as Kabuverdianu, and is recognized by the government as a statutory language of national identity but not on an equal status with Portuguese.(See http://www.ethnologue.com/country/CV/languages). ISO 639-3 already has a definition of 'kea', that should be used. The OT spec should also reflect that same language tag.  The ISO tag of cpp for Portuguese-based "Creoles" is much too broad to really be functional. There are a large number of portuguese-based Creoles. They vary widely depending on the the other languages that have been mixed in the the Portuguese. A single tag will not adequately identify them.
-          'kjd' is defined for "Southern Kiwai" and 'cuk' for "San Blas Kuna" - should we go with these names instead?
>>>>> Agree
-          'myn' is defined for "Mayan" language (a minor difference in spelling only, I would go with ISO spelling);
>>>>> Agree
-          Couldn't find 'pob' for "Pocomchi" anywhere - can you please provide a source reference for it?
>>>>> Should be 'poh' in ISO 639-3 (JDH-sorry for the misspelling - eyes?)
-          'acr' is ISO - defined for "Achi" (without Rabinal);
>>>>> Agree. (Rabinal is one of the dialects).
-          We already have 'SOT' tag defined for both Northern and Southern Sotho - do we really need to split them?
>>>>> Yes. Both North and South Sotho are spoken in South Africa. South Sotho is spoken in Lesotho, and is a statutory national language (1993, Constitution, Article 3(1). There are over 6 million speakers of South SothoNorth Sotho is spoken in South Africa, and is a Statutory National Language for South Africa (2004, constitution, Article 6 (1).The degree of being mutually intelligible varies, depending on sources. Some list Sotho North as a dialect of Sotho South. Others do not. Based on information available (www.ethnologue.com/languages/nso<http://www.ethnologue.com/languages/nso>, www.ethnologue.com/languages/sot<http://www.ethnologue.com/languages/sot>), they are different languages and should be identified separately.'sot' should remain for Sotho-South. 'nso' should be used for Sotho North and added to the OT Spec).
-          We already have 'TKM' defined for "Turkmen";
>>>>> Agree. Can we resolve the TKM in the OT spec with the tuk in the 639-3 spec by adding it as an alternate?
-          'tvl' is defined for "Tuvalu" (I'd go with ISO spelling);
>>>>> Agree
-          'esu' is defined by ISO as "Central Yupik".
>>>>> Agree

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Levantovsky, Vladimir <Vladimir.Levantovsky at monotype.com<mailto:Vladimir.Levantovsky at monotype.com>> wrote:
Hi John,

Thank you for contacting me and sorry for my delayed response - I was traveling for the last two weeks and is now digging through the backlog. It's good to hear that you are back with your organization (albeit temporarily), and I am sorry to hear about George being in a car accident - I wish he will get well soon.

On the subject of script and language tag updates - I would appreciate if you could look through the comments I sent earlier to the email list (see my email attached) and respond with your suggestions or comments. We absolutely need to have it all finalized by early July, and I think we are on track to make it happen. Please let me know if you need any additional information, or you can simply respond on the list and renew the discussions there.

Thank you,

From: John Hopkins [mailto:jdhopkins8791 at gmail.com<mailto:jdhopkins8791 at gmail.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 4:01 PM
To: Levantovsky, Vladimir
Subject: Re: Draft AHG report


Thanks for your mention of me and inclusion in the discussion. I am now back with my organization as a temporary contractor for at least a month, as of yesterday. I also learned today that the individual I referred you to, George Simper, was in a very bad car accident about two months ago and just got back today, facing a large backlog of work. So that is his excuse for not getting back to you on your questions. On his behalf, I offer our apologies. I will try to look into our past discussions further and see what I can do to move things along further, as well as do the other work I am contracted for.

Best regards,

John D. Hopkins

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