MAL language system tag

James Clark jjc at
Fri Jun 13 14:31:25 CEST 2014

Sorry to leave this to the last minute.

In addition to the change to the description of ZHH, which I raised
previously, the current draft also proposes changing the description of MAL
from "Malayalam Traditional" to "Malayalam".

I believe this has the same incompatibility problems as the change to ZHH.
The status quo is that there are two language system tags for Malayalam:

Malayalam Traditional    MAL  mal
Malayalam Reformed     MLR  mal

These are clearly intended to correspond to the two different orthographies
for writing Malayalam:

- the traditional orthography
- the reformed orthography introduced in 1981

The existing meanings of MAL and MLR are both clear and useful. Changing
the description of MAL to just "Malayalam" is an incompatible change, which
removes the possibility of using the language system tag to distinguish
between the two orthographies.

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