script tags update (Re: [mpeg-OTspec] Digest Number 549)

John Hudson john at
Sat Apr 2 20:26:36 CEST 2016

On 02/04/16 10:50, 'Leonardo Chiariglione' leonardo at 
[mpeg-OTspec] wrote:

> kana Hiragana
> kana Katakana
> I feel like saying
> letter Greek letter
> letter Latin latter
> In other words, why don;t you simply say
> Hiragana
> Katakana

It's a technical spec mapping tag names used in the OTL tables to 
natural language script names: <kana> is the tag, and it is used for 
both Katakana and Hiragana.

There's no requirement for any technical specification to conform to a 
particular way of thinking about or talking about a given writing 
system, only for the spec to be unambiguous and to work for the intended 



John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks Ltd
Salish Sea, BC        tiro at

Getting Spiekermann to not like Helvetica is like training
a cat to stay out of water. But I'm impressed that people
know who to ask when they want to ask someone to not like
Helvetica. That's progress. -- David Berlow

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