[mpeg-OTspec] Re: [OpenType] Allowing DFLT to take languages

John Hudson john at tiro.ca
Mon Apr 11 20:33:26 CEST 2016

On 11/04/16 11:20, Sairus Patel sppatel at adobe.com [mpeg-OTspec] wrote:

> Is there a real-world example of someone desiring an actual language 
> system tag under DFLT script?


An oddity we've found is that we can't reliably apply a Stylistic Set 
substitution to the danda punctuation characters in Bengali, which we 
want in order to substitute a traditional form of these that are used in 
typesetting poetry. If I put the SS substitution lookup in the <bng2> 
script, it doesn't get processed in InDesign: I'm guessing because the 
danda characters, from the Devanagari block, are not being rolled into 
runs with the Bengali (presumably a bug, but in the absence of any 
specification on how to do OTL script itemisation and run segmentation 
properly, who's to say?). If I put the substitution in the DFLT script 
tag, then it works.

Now for this purpose, in the particular fonts I've been making, I don't 
need a language system tag under DFLT, because they're Bengali-only 
fonts, and the SS feature only does this one thing. But if I we were 
making a large, multiscript font — especially if integrating from 
different individual fonts and wanting to maintain feature compatibility 
with previous versions —, I might find myself in a situation where I 
wanted to vary by language the behaviour of this or other features that 
fall back to DFLT script processing.



John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks Ltd    www.tiro.com
Salish Sea, BC        tiro at tiro.com

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