[MPEG-OTSPEC] [FTCG] Confirmed time slot for Meeting 3, and call for agenda items

梁海 Liang Hai lianghai at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 10:55:34 CEST 2020

[This is about the Font and Text Community Group (FTCG) <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoknOb0IMAPeiLhifvc_AqB7s3rs6VKOsTQg_oCDypQ/edit?usp=sharing>.]

(Potential) participants of the FTCG on this list,

With the Doodle pool <https://doodle.com/poll/f99zkths2z9tfgar>, I’ve confirmed the upcoming Meeting 3 will be held on:

Monday 21 September, 16:00–17:30 UTC

The meeting will be open to all, no matter if you’re already an FTCG participant. Even for the FTCG’s own charter approval, we need to hear everyone’s opinions because the point is to allow as wide as possible participation.

The virtual meeting URL will be announced later in the agenda document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoknOb0IMAPeiLhifvc_AqB7s3rs6VKOsTQg_oCDypQ/edit?usp=sharing> and shared in this thread. You can simply check out the agenda doc before the meeting to figure it out. (Yes, I’m doing this partly because I want to herd everyone’s attention onto the agenda doc, a single, central source of information.)


Please propose agenda items right in the agenda doc (under the section Meeting 3 → Agenda → Proposed items) and leave your full name by your proposed item.


The priority will be the charter. We’ll walk you through the proposed charter, but it’ll very helpful if you spend some time reviewing it in advance:

[MPEG-OTSPEC] Draft charter of the FTCG
https://lists.aau.at/pipermail/mpeg-otspec/2020-August/002183.html <https://lists.aau.at/pipermail/mpeg-otspec/2020-August/002183.html>

If you find the pull request UI and discussions too messy to follow, this URL points to the full text of Simon’s proposed charter:

https://github.com/simoncozens/font-text.github.io/blob/draft-charter/charter/index.md <https://github.com/simoncozens/font-text.github.io/blob/draft-charter/charter/index.md>

We shouldn’t force an approval, but it’ll be really nice if we can get this procedural blockage done this month, so we can start working on some actual projects. Otherwise, spending one more month on the charter will start to feel bureaucratic to many (if not already so).

Therefore, please, try to at least skim through the proposed charter so we’ll be able to have more efficient discussions.

梁海 Liang Hai, acting chair of the FTCG

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