[MPEG-OTSPEC] Draft AHG report for your review

Peter Constable pgcon6 at msn.com
Mon Jan 11 05:39:23 CET 2021

Makes sense.


From: Vladimir Levantovsky <vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021 8:39 PM
To: 'Peter Constable' <pgcon6 at msn.com>; 'MPEG OT Spec list' <mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at>
Subject: RE: [MPEG-OTSPEC] Draft AHG report for your review

Thank you Peter,
Since the nature of this typographic/formatting change is purely editorial, I don't think we need to bring this to the WG to discuss - I can easily incorporate your proposed changes when editing the text of the updated Working Draft of the amendment.

Thank you,

From: Peter Constable [mailto:pgcon6 at msn.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 9, 2021 2:34 AM
To: Vladimir Levantovsky <vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com<mailto:vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com>>; 'MPEG OT Spec list' <mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at<mailto:mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at>>
Subject: RE: [MPEG-OTSPEC] Draft AHG report for your review


Another late comment-something to consider in the WG discussion: While re-reading the draft text for, there are references to "source in" and "source out" compositing modes that aren't set apart typographically, and that makes the wording a bit confusing. For example, "The same effects can be implemented... by... selecting the source in composite mode."

In the proposed WD content in the Google Fonts repo, I've made changes to the typography so that the compositing mode names are always italicized and follow the capitalization in the W3C doc; this makes the meaning in the text clearer. The above example becomes, "... by... selecting the Source In composite mode." You can see the specific changes in this commit:



From: mpeg-otspec <mpeg-otspec-bounces at lists.aau.at<mailto:mpeg-otspec-bounces at lists.aau.at>> On Behalf Of Vladimir Levantovsky
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 2:40 PM
To: 'MPEG OT Spec list' <mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at<mailto:mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at>>
Subject: Re: [MPEG-OTSPEC] Draft AHG report for your review


I have not received any responses / comments on the draft AHG report - it will be presented as is.

Also, for the next week's breakout session on Font Format work - so far I've got the following topics we need to cover to finalize the text of the amendment:

  *   In Color Lines: when it comes to color interpolation, currently the spec says that color values along the color line are linearly interpolated - is this enough?
  *   In Linear Gradients: the description of the gradient and rotation vectors, and effects the rotation vector has on the final results are underspecified. Issues that need additional clarifications include
a) rotation effect on color interpolation results if the angular distance between gradient orientation vector and rotation vector are more than 90 degrees in either direction (CW or CCW), and
b) what effect , if any, the magnitude of the rotation vector has. (Currently, the spec is silent about it.)
  *   In Radial Gradients: what is the expected behavior in case where both circles overlap with r > 0?
  *   In Radial Gradients: specify the expected behavior in case where a transform flattens both circles and their centers to a line.
  *   In COLR table and OFF font variations - discuss and incorporate the proposed changes<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgooglefonts%2Fcolr-gradients-spec%2Fcommit%2F9cfbcaefc88f487b547431b62dfab22ee743d9b8%3Fshort_path%3Df8c59e8%23diff-f8c59e8d70f0a695574ea35269cf5f70c46db8cc40daa2d5e128e8c79be10528&data=04%7C01%7C%7Cfb42f0441465471d5fb708d8b5eabffc%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637459367134934122%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=N7QQ4f1kfjrBd5uphw3rT2%2BPCm7AvldHIG1fZ%2Bzl%2BRc%3D&reserved=0> in the last two paragraphs.

If anything is missing from this list, please let me know.

Thank you,

From: Vladimir Levantovsky [mailto:vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 7:47 PM
To: 'MPEG OT Spec list' <mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at<mailto:mpeg-otspec at lists.aau.at>>
Subject: Draft AHG report for your review
Importance: High

Dear all,

Please see attached the draft of the AHG report that I will present at the upcoming MPEG Systems (SC29/WG3) meeting next week (Jan. 11 - 15). Your comments are appreciated.

We do have a number of open issues that need to be resolved in order to finalize COLR v1 specification - it would be best if these issues are resolved by next week, and discussed as part of the Font Format break-out group session during the WG meeting. Currently, this break-out session is tentatively scheduled on January 13 at 21:00 UTC. We will be using one of the available ISO Zoom rooms; however, the meeting access information will only be available to WG members and cannot be shared publicly.

I would like to bring your attention to the specific part of the AHG Recommendations section where a promotion of the current Working Draft to the next PDAM stage is suggested (last paragraph, also highlighted). The final outcome related to document promotion will likely be determined based on the results of the WG discussions. Our possible options are to either keep the document as the Working Draft and finalize all remaining issues before the next  WG meeting in early April, or to recommend promoting the document to the next PDAM stage, and address the remaining _minor_ issues as part of the ballot comments. I'd like to remind you that in order to be able to process the ballot in time for the next meeting, it will likely be published as two-months ballot, and the time period for submission of comments will be very short (most National Bodies require comments to be submitted at least three weeks prior to ballot closing date).

Please respond to this email with any proposed changes and corrections to the AHG report by the end of day Friday, Jan. 8th - No comments will be interpreted as approval!

Thank you,

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