[MPEG-OTSPEC] Meeting report, new mandates and documents for review

MURATA eb2mmrt at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 07:21:10 CET 2022

2022年2月1日(火) 3:07 Vladimir Levantovsky <vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com>:

> Dear AHG members,
> Our mandates, established at the last SC29/WG3 (MPEG Systems) meeting
> <https://www.mpegstandards.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/137_OnLine/w21352.zip>
> are as follows:

Can members of this AHG have access this document?

1. Review the text of ISO/IEC CD 14496-22 Draft International Standards
> amendment 2 and submit ballot comments, if applicable.


> 2. Review publicly available WG3 output documents and propose additional
> changes and updates.
> 3. Explore potential future changes and updates, and propose new items (if
> applicable) for consideration in the 5th edition of the OFF specification.
> Please note:
> 1. The text of the 2nd amendment has been published under ballot after it
> was promoted to the Draft International Standard stage [in October 2021],
> and the ballot is still open (until April 8, 2022). Both editorial changes
> and minor technical corrections can still be introduced as ballot comments,
> which you can submit for discussion in this AHG or submit them directly to
> ISO Secretariat via your National Body.

Ditto.  Can member of this AHG have a look at the DAM?


> 2. At the last meeting, the proposed CFF2 updates were discussed and
> approved, and following this group’s recommendation, the WG3 has approved
> the creation and publication of the new, 5th edition Working Draft of
> ISO/IEC 14496-22 OFF. The full version of the WD won’t be available for
> some time since it requires merging of the 4th edition text with two
> prior amendments; however, the text of the proposed CFF2 updates has been
> made available for public review as a standalone document “Technology under
> consideration for OFF” and can be downloaded from public MPEG website:
> https://www.mpegstandards.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/137_OnLine/w21213.zip.
> (All publicly available documents, including the 5th edition WD, will be
> posted there as well: https://www.mpegstandards.org/meetings/mpeg-137/.)
> 3. Our third mandate remains unchanged. The 5th edition WD offers an
> opportunity to conduct a full review of the OFF text and introduce both
> technical and editorial changes following the established ISO process.
> There is no urgency in finalizing the 5th edition text – we are
> encouraged to explore potential future changes and updates and submit them
> for discussion both in this AHG and in the future WG3 meetings.
> Thank you,
> Vladimir
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