[MPEG-OTSPEC] Meeting report, new mandates and documents for review

Vladimir Levantovsky vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 16:46:03 CET 2022

> On Feb 3, 2022, at 1:21 AM, MURATA <eb2mmrt at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2022年2月1日(火) 3:07 Vladimir Levantovsky <vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com>:
>> Dear AHG members,
>> Our mandates, established at the last SC29/WG3 (MPEG Systems) meeting are as follows:
> Can members of this AHG have access this document?
Did you try to click on the link?
>> 1. The text of the 2nd amendment has been published under ballot after it was promoted to the Draft International Standard stage [in October 2021], and the ballot is still open (until April 8, 2022). Both editorial changes and minor technical corrections can still be introduced as ballot comments, which you can submit for discussion in this AHG or submit them directly to ISO Secretariat via your National Body.
> Ditto.  Can member of this AHG have a look at the DAM?
Yes, all accredited members can. You need to contact your National Body, or your official SC34 liaison officer for assistance. Alternatively, if you don’t like the established balloting process, you can file a complaint with ISO Secretariat. 


> Regards,
> Makoto
>> 2. At the last meeting, the proposed CFF2 updates were discussed and approved, and following this group’s recommendation, the WG3 has approved the creation and publication of the new, 5th edition Working Draft of ISO/IEC 14496-22 OFF. The full version of the WD won’t be available for some time since it requires merging of the 4th edition text with two prior amendments; however, the text of the proposed CFF2 updates has been made available for public review as a standalone document “Technology under consideration for OFF” and can be downloaded from public MPEG website: https://www.mpegstandards.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/137_OnLine/w21213.zip. (All publicly available documents, including the 5th edition WD, will be posted there as well: https://www.mpegstandards.org/meetings/mpeg-137/.)
>> 3. Our third mandate remains unchanged. The 5th edition WD offers an opportunity to conduct a full review of the OFF text and introduce both technical and editorial changes following the established ISO process. There is no urgency in finalizing the 5th edition text – we are encouraged to explore potential future changes and updates and submit them for discussion both in this AHG and in the future WG3 meetings.
>> Thank you,
>> Vladimir
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