[MPEG-OTSPEC] Questions about variable composites

Skef Iterum skef at skef.org
Thu Aug 24 00:53:55 CEST 2023

It's way too early to be make any real plans -- as things stand there's 
no proposal for variable composition in CFF2 -- but I can certainly 
imagine that whatever document would clarify how PostScript-style 
hinting works with composition could also go deeper into certain 
implementation questions, either cementing aspects of the spec or 
offering one self-consistent approach. And that the questions addressed 
that way could be based on the needs of vendors.


On 8/23/23 15:33, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 3:48 PM Skef Iterum <skef at skef.org> wrote:
>     It appears that the technology started with an implementation
>     rather than a spec and has just evolved that way.
> I agree, and the implementation in freetype that you mention may be 
> suitable as The Reference Implementation.
> But, AFAIK, large platform companies are very unhappy about making 
> standards out of specific implementations rather than specs (except 
> when its their implementation, lmao). But since Google and Adobe are 
> fine with the freetype implementation, then the question is to Apple 
> and Microsoft: If that implementation was documented, would they 
> adjust their implementations to match?
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