[MPEG-OTSPEC] AHG kick-off and AHG hybrid meeting announcement

Vladimir Levantovsky vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 23:29:16 CEST 2023

Dear all,

We've got an updated set of mandates (published as WG03N0927) approved at
the ISO SC29/WG3 meeting that took place last week. Our new mandates for
the period until the next WG meeting (scheduled on October 16-20) are as

1. Review the text of the updated Working Draft of ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th
edition (WG03N0933).

2.  Review the remaining parts of “Technologies under consideration for
ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition Open Font Format” document (WG03N0888), work
on developing and finalizing specification changes to overcome the 64K
glyph limit and other changes, and provide recommendations for the WG3 on
how these changes can be integrated in the “Open Font Format” standard.

3. Explore potential future changes and updates, and propose new items (if
applicable) for consideration in the 5th edition of the OFF specification.

The updated text of the ISO/IEC 14496-22 Working Draft (WG03N0933),
including the updated description of the 'avar' table (combining version 1
and version 2) will be made available for public review soon; meanwhile, we
should continue reviewing the "Technologies under consideration" document (
to develop a solution for overcoming 64K glyph limit.

There was a proposal discussed on this email list to organize the AHG
meeting co-located with the TypeCon conference, which is happening this
year in Portland, Oregon. I would like to confirm that the AHG meeting
dedicated primarily to discussion of the mandates ##2&3 will take place in
Portland on Aug. 17, and I would like to thank Google for their generous
offer to host the meeting at their premises. This meeting will be held as a
hybrid event - the AHG members who are also TypeCon attendees will be
meeting face-to-face, and the Zoom link will be provided to accommodate
remote participants. For planning purposes, F2F meeting participants are
required to feel in the online form (https://forms.gle/H7Nw5GEoa5F1daTs6).

Stay tuned for more details regarding the AHG meeting agenda and detailed

Thank you,

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