[MPEG-OTSPEC] Three variable font holdover issues

Skef Iterum skef at skef.org
Fri Jul 28 23:47:57 CEST 2023

Hello -

Adobe has a small pile of specification-related questions and ideas that 
have been waiting for some sort of working/ad hoc group to help work 
through them. There is no particular hurry with some of them, especially 
given the more pressing topics recently discussed here, so we are 
holding off with those. (They're mostly CFF related.)

However, there are three issues that may be of general interest and 
might be good to fix on a shorter schedule. Each relates to details of 
the variable font part of the OTF specification.

Dave Crossland has suggested that we start using the OpenFontFormat 
GitHub repository for technical discussions, so I have created an issue 
there for each topic:

  * Issue 52: Need for means of distinguishing "interface
    default/representative instance" from format default
  * Issue 53: Variable substitution: Too many regions with mixed
    features <https://github.com/MPEGGroup/OpenFontFormat/issues/53>
  * Issue 54: Variable substitution: No mechanism for interdependent
    axes <https://github.com/MPEGGroup/OpenFontFormat/issues/54>

I'm also attaching some PDF documentation on these questions. The 
document on the two variable substitution issues has a bit more background.

I would say that at this point issue 52 should be considered an actual 
Adobe proposal; all that remains is to see if people agree and then 
craft the specific changes to be added to the spec. The other two issues 
are at an earlier stage and would benefit from more discussion.

Skef Iterum
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