[MPEG-OTSPEC] Tentative agenda topics for the AHG meeting on March 19

Vladimir Levantovsky vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 21:50:44 CET 2024

Dear all,

As a follow up to my previous email, the intent of this message is to
confirm that we will have another AHG Zoom call on April 9, 2024 at 14:00
UTC (7am US Pacific / 10 am US Eastern / 16:00 Central EU / 11 pm Japan).

I am in the process of finalizing the agenda topics with the primary goal
of reviewing final draft submissions for the upcoming SC29/WG3 meeting to
be held on April 22-26, which are based on the documents we already
discussed during prior AHG meetings in February and March. We will also
discuss the issue that was raised at the last AHG meeting by Peter
Constable in response to my comments on the WD text related to versioning
of the ConditionSet table and related changes introduced in the most recent
revision of the Working Draft (subclause 6.2.9).

Please submit any additional proposed agenda topics in response to this
email. and please send the links to updated draft submissions text (if any)
for inclusion in the meeting agenda.

Due to public access to the email list archive, the meeting link
information will not be shared on this email list and will be sent directly
to all meeting participants. If you have not been a participant at any of
the previous meetings and would like to be included on this meeting invite
- please respond to me directly.

Thank you,

On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 12:36 PM Vladimir Levantovsky <
vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is just a quick update on the results of the AHG meeting today.
> We had a packed agenda and ran out of meeting time before we could discuss
> all scheduled topics. We decided to schedule an additional time this week
> to discuss the remaining topics - the additional follow-up call is
> scheduled on Thursday, March 21st at 14:00 UTC (same time of day as today's
> meeting).
> We also plan to have another AHG Zoom call scheduled for April 9 to
> discuss any and all remaining issues and still have time to finalize the
> input submissions for the next SC29/WG3 meeting, which will be held on
> April 22-26.
> The input submission deadlines for the next WG meeting are as follows:
> - April 15: deadline for registration of input contributions;
> - April 17: upload deadline for registered input contributions.
> Thanks again to all participants for your valuable contributions to this
> work!
> Vladimir
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 3:13 PM Vladimir Levantovsky <
> vladimir.levantovsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Based on the results of the previous meeting and the discussions
>> conducted on the AHG email list (
>> https://lists.aau.at/pipermail/mpeg-otspec/2024-February/thread.html), I
>> have the following tentative agenda for our next meeting:
>> 1. Review relevant updates / follow-up on the results and outcome of the
>> previous AHG meeting (see
>> https://lists.aau.at/pipermail/mpeg-otspec/2024-February/003289.html for
>> details & resolutions summary).
>> 2. New GSUB features proposal: 'cabp' and 'hypy' (see the link to the
>> draft proposal and the discussion thread at
>> https://lists.aau.at/pipermail/mpeg-otspec/2024-February/003301.html).
>> 3. Proposed revisions to 'palt' and 'kern' documentation (see
>> https://github.com/jcitpc/CJKFont/blob/main/docs/palt_kern.md and the
>> discussion thread at
>> https://lists.aau.at/pipermail/mpeg-otspec/2024-February/003292.html).
>> 4. Clarifying / defining DMAP behavior (see
>> https://github.com/harfbuzz/boring-expansion-spec/issues/138).
>> 5. Updates to VARC table description (see
>> https://github.com/harfbuzz/boring-expansion-spec/issues/137)
>> Please review the proposed agenda items and let me know if I missed
>> anything. Please also note that as a result of the AHG meeting discussion
>> (on Feb. 20) we identified a number of proposals that need further
>> clarifications and updates - please share your updated proposals for review
>> prior to the meeting.
>> I plan to have a final meeting agenda distributed early next week (no
>> later than Tuesday, March 12) along with the Zoom meeting info for
>> participants. All prior participants will be added to the meeting invite
>> and will receive a direct email. If you have not been a participant in the
>> prior meetings and would like to be added to the invite list - please
>> contact me directly.
>> Thank you,
>> Vladimir
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