AHG meeting on September 8th - Meeting notes

Levantovsky, Vladimir vladimir.levantovsky at monotypeimaging.com
Thu Sep 11 18:29:35 CEST 2008

Dear all,
I've uploaded a modified text of the second edition of the ISO/IEC
14496-22/Final Committee Draft (a.k.a. as OT1.6) in MPEG-OTspec file

The changes made in this document include:
- revisions to LTR/RTL features as documented in the proposal Sairus
sent earlier;
- revisions to mark attachment types (use of a single "Reserved" bit and
an additional "MultipleMarkAttachmentCount" field in the Lookup Table)
discussed at the group meeting. (This is current agreed solution. We
will continue discussing this and the second proposal prepared by Sergey
Malkin and will make our final decision based on the group consensus).
- editorial changes and corrections - namely, I checked all "Reserved"
fields and for those few that did not explicitly mention it, added a
text mandating the value be set to zero. (The changes were made in GPOS
LookupType Enumeration table, in GPOS ValueFormat bit enumeration table
and in GSUB LookupType Enumeration table.)
I would like to ask you to review the document for accuracy and
completeness. The deadline for submitting this document to SC29/WG11 is
tomorrow, September 12th.
Thank you all for your active participation,


	From: Sairus Patel [mailto:sppatel at adobe.com] 
	Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:06 PM
	To: Levantovsky, Vladimir; mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com
	Cc: Michelle Hill; Thomas Phinney; Peter Constable; Mikhail
Leonov; Greg Hitchcock; Daniel Fenwick; John Hudson;
mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp; Eric Muller; Terence Dowling; Simon Daniels;
David Berlow; Adam Twardoch; Mansour, Kamal; Peter Lofting; Julio
Gonzalez; Behdad Esfahbod; Sergey Malkin
	Subject: RE: AHG meeting on September 8th - Meeting notes

	I've revised and uploaded the LTR/RTL proposal per my action
item from the meeting:



	This revision is best seen as an update on version 1 of the
proposal. It:

	a. Adds an 'ltrm' feature

	b. Adds a "and cmap(j) is non-zero" clause to the algorithm for
RTL character-level mirroring

	c. Adds a note on engine implementations (last para of proposal
section 2)


	There are minor wording and organizational tweaks in each
section of the proposal other than the first section. The OMPL.txt has
remained the same. For completeness, I've uploaded it:







	From: Levantovsky, Vladimir
[mailto:Vladimir.Levantovsky at MonotypeImaging.com] 
	Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:33 PM
	To: mpeg-OTspec at yahoogroups.com
	Cc: Michelle Hill; Thomas Phinney; Peter Constable; Mikhail
Leonov; Greg Hitchcock; Daniel Fenwick; John Hudson;
mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp; Eric Muller; Terence Dowling; Sairus Patel;
Simon Daniels; David Berlow; Adam Twardoch; Mansour, Kamal; Peter
Lofting; Julio Gonzalez; Behdad Esfahbod; Sergey Malkin
	Subject: AHG meeting on September 8th - Meeting notes


	Dear all,


	Please see attached the meeting minutes. I would appreciate it
very much if you review them for accuracy and provide your comments and
corrections. Special thanks to Michelle Hill for taking detailed notes
during our discussion.


	This document has also been uploaded to AHG files:


	With kind regards,



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